NANA by Ai Yazawa, VOL 3: most toxic relationships.

Nana, one of the most famous Josei works in the anime industry, whose analysis covers multiple areas of adult life, including love life, revealing how complex adult relationships can be. This publication seeks to make a brief and complete reference to each of the most toxic relationships within the work, intending to unravel each member's toxic behaviors.


One of the NANA's longest-standing relationships formed by, Nana Osaki (introvert, with a strong personality, but fragile inside, who suffers the consequences of his abandonment in his childhood)  and Ren Honjo (apparently extrovert, but taciturn, possessive, and afraid of abandonment). Both came from Meguro, a small neighborhood in Tokyo, and both were original members of the punk band BLAST, which gained a lot of popularity there, being dissolved after the departure of Ren, who decided to leave everything behind to make his dreams come true, live off of music, becoming a part of one of the most famous bands in Japan, TRAPNEST.

After having met Nana thanks to a mutual friend, Yasushi Takagi, being part of the same punk band for years, and after consolidating a love relationship with Nana Osaki, and committing to each other, a series of toxic feelings begin to emerge in Ren, which becomes mixed with his deep love for Nana, among which are the intense feelings of possessiveness, reflected in the overwhelming insistence on making Nana Osaki his wife and having children with her, despite knowing her goals, dreams, and illusions of being an internationally recognized singer, along with her punk band Black Stones, managing to build a career for herself; coming to confess that he wants her only for himself, in his home, with his children, not conceiving the idea that she could be with another man, since as long as this reality does not manifest, he would be capable of killing her, as long as she does not abandon him (jealousy, insecurity, and fear of abandonment).

Nana x Ren

On the other hand, Nana Osaki, who is deeply in love and committed to Ren, gets to tattoo a flower in honor of her partner's name (Ren's flower), even ties a padlock around his neck with his name initial (R), as a symbol of the commitment they have between them (possessiveness). She evades the idea of ​​marriage since that would mean giving up her dreams, condemning her to a life for which she is not prepared yet. Even willing to die for Ren, she is not willing to sacrifice her personal and professional dreams and goals to be known only as the wife of Ren, Trapnest's guitarist.


Nana Komatsu, with a highly dependent personality, who in the beginning, in order to settle in the big capital with her partner at that moment (Shoji Endo), works and saves money for a year, only to then encounter a controversial reality (infidelity), being forced to look for another apartment where she can settle down and start her life in the big city. A kind-hearted, optimistic, and fragile woman, whose way of facing her romantic relationships becomes toxic, despite having good friends who advise her in the best possible way. Along with her high level of emotional dependence, since she seems unable to be alone, always needing to be in a relationship, running into the arms of the first man who shows any interest in her.

Otherwise, Takumi Hichinose is shown as a manipulative, controlling, and womanizing man, who does not hesitate to use any type of trick to maintain control over the people around him.
Being the main reason why he does not hesitate to set up Nana Komatsu, when he finds out about her pregnancy, and her relationship with Nobuo, making her completely dependent on him, locking her in a "golden cage".


It's one of the most shocking relationships in all the anime. On one hand, there is a 15-year-old teenager (Shinichi Okazaki), who has been forced to live many bitter experiences at a young age and ends up finding refuge in music, becoming the bassist of the Black Stones. On the other side, there is a famous singer (Reira Serizawa), with a broken heart due to her eternal and unrequited love for Takumi Hichinose, who belongs to one of the best Japanese rock and punk bands at the moment.

An illegal relationship formed by a 15-year-old minor, and a 23-year-old young woman, who agreed to hire his sexual services, entrusting him with the task of making her
forget the love of his life, to finally end up co-depending on him.


One of the oldest couples, who have known each other since school, always together, supporting each other. Takumi Hichinose, who grew up in a troubled home, with an absent father, and a seriously ill mother, forced to mature quickly; by the way, Reira Serizawa, a girl who arrived in Japan at a very young age, with barely any knowledge of the national language (Japanese), seeks to establish herself in Japan, with her mother. With highly different personalities and goals, Takumi focuses on his professional career, seeing Reira as his pure little sister; on the other hand, Reira's feelings towards Takumi grew as they grew older, despite being constantly hurt, despite being constantly rejected.

While Reira has loved Takumi since they went to school, Takumi always saw her as his little sister, his little refuge, whose voice full of purity managed to bring peace to his life. This is the main reason why he could not see her as a woman because, for him, women were selfish and unbearable, whom he only used to calm his primitive sexual desires.